Over at SI, they give their game recap of the loss last night, including quotes from Gibby, Dickey, and more!
At the National Post, John Lott gives his game recap, including some quotes from J.P. Arencibia. Take it away JP(and Lott)...
Meh, he could have been more of a jerk. He didn't perform well, that's all there is to it.
At DJF, Archi Zuber writes up his game recap, full of wonderful WPA-ness!
Also at DJF, they put together a post with
You thought DJF was done? No. They also had a GIF thread going last night. It's hilarious, so check it out.
At BBB, Tom lists the Dunedin Jays roster for this year, featuring, both Aaron Sanchez and Ricky Romero...Never thought I'd say that.
At GameReax, the Toman brothers put up a ton of content last night, from GIFs of the Jays, to GIFs of Darvish, to a game recap of the Jays opener.
At MopUpDuty, Matthias writes about JPA's troubles with the knuckleball, and framing it especially.
That's it for this week's edition of Wednesday Web Works. Until next time... You can follow me on twitter, @gideonturk. To connect with the site, Follow us on Twitter, and Like us on Facebook.
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