The great Jeff Sullivan over at Fangraphs looks at both sides of Colby Rasmus' start to the season, specifically looking at the incredible decrease in the amount of fastballs Rasmus has been seeing at the plate this year.
Over at MLBTradeRumors, Charlie Wilmoth looks at the whether Alex Anthopolous' zealous use of the waiver market is going to require a change in the rules. The waiver system is to ensure MLB caliber players have the best chance to stay in the major leagues, but AA's constant adds and drops are leaving players in limbo for as long as 20 days. Is this fair to these players? Do the rules need to be changed?
EffectivelyWild Podcast – Sam Miller & Ben Lindbergh – Anthopolous & Waivers
EffectivelyWild Podcast – Sam Miller & Ben Lindbergh – Anthopolous & Waivers
In the same vein, over at Baseball Prospectus, Sam Miller & Ben Lindbergh covered the aforementioned article in one of their topics on Monday's episode of effectively wild.
Curtis Rush - Toronto Star– Do the Jays have the drunkest fans in the league?
Curtis Rush - Toronto Star– Do the Jays have the drunkest fans in the league?
Curtis Rush of the Toronto Star looks into recent claims from both Yahoo!'s Big League Stew blog, as well as studio analyst Gregg Zaun that Toronto has the most boorish and drunkest fans in the league.
Blue JayHunter – 28 Years ago today (George Bell Karate Kicks)
Blue JayHunter – 28 Years ago today (George Bell Karate Kicks)
As a part of his Flashback Friday series, the Blue Jay Hunter takes us way back to 1985, and George Bell's epic flying cross kick to Red Sox starter Bruce Kison. Bell v. Kison is one of the most iconic charging the mound incidents in MLB history.
Sportsnet's newest columnist, the fantastic Ben Nicholson-Smith (Formerly of MLBTradeRumors) looks at the continuing spike in MLB strikeout rate. This has been an ongoing league wide trend, as BN-S notes the Jays are doing their part by employing Colby Rasmus & J.P. Arencibia. #Whiff
SI - CliffCorcoran – 10 most disappointing performances
SI - CliffCorcoran – 10 most disappointing performances
Corcoran sites BABIP as one of the reasons the Jays pitchers are struggling. |
Over at Sports Illustrated, Clif Corcoran runs though 10 disappointments of the early season. Rather unsurprisingly the revamped Blue Jays rotation is atop his list.
Globe &Mail – Tom Maloney – Grading the Blue Jays at the 20 game mark
Globe &Mail – Tom Maloney – Grading the Blue Jays at the 20 game mark
Even as though Tom Maloney, of the Globe, mentions that it usually takes 40 games before its appropriate to take a look at how the team is doing, he jumps the gun slightly, and evaluates the team 20 games in. Hint: Its not pretty.
Toronto Star– Brenden Kennedy – Bautista has a legit gripe about strike zone
Toronto Star– Brenden Kennedy – Bautista has a legit gripe about strike zone
Brenden Kennedy looks at Jose Bautista's consistent complaining about his treatment by the umpires, and finds that he may actually have a case. –Matthew Leach – Jays defense is awful –Matthew Leach – Jays defense is awful's Matthew Leach takes a look at what has been painfully apparent to all Blue Jays fans, but he exposes their poor defense to the baseball world at large. Gideon predicted this back in December. It seems as if Brett Lawrie will turn out to be the Blue Jays' only plus defender.
Mop Up Duty –Matthias Koster – JP Arencibia’s changed approach
Mop Up Duty –Matthias Koster – JP Arencibia’s changed approach
Over at Mop Up Duty, Matthias Koster analyses JP Arencibia's prodigious home run spike to start the year, and reveals that not only is the ball leaving the yard much more, but he's also doing it by changing his entire approach. He's not pulling the ball nearly as much, and its certainly a positive.
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